Team Registration Information for 2025 Spring League

Registration for the 2025 Spring League Season is now open

Team fees are $2,100. 

League Play begins the week of March 31 and playoff finals are June 18, 2025

The Registration process is outlined below. Contact if there are questions.

How to register a team or as a player


Have the following information available before you begin.

  • Email and correct spelling for First and Last Name of each team member
  • Your RAMP login ID and password (or be ready to create an ID if you don't have one)
  • Credit card to pay for Team fee and Basketball Alberta membership fee (if you are not already a member for the current membership year)

Go to the Team & Player Registration link on our website home page

  1. If you don’t have a RAMP ID, you can create one or can reset your password if needed
  2. Go to the Spring League Team Registration link on the CSMBA website
  3. Select Team Registration and make selections on the 4 fields on that page
  4. There is only one season to choose - 2024-25 ABA Membership Year - Spring
  5. Choose the Division you wish to register for (remember you may be moved up or down later)
  6. Choose yourself as the Team Contact - your information should appear after that
  7. If this is the first time you are setting up a team in RAMP, select Create a new team under the Team box.
  8. If you are registering your previous team, you can select it from the drop down list under Team. This will populate the Invite List with last year's players. You can add and remove from that list. 
  9. On the next page you need to provide/update your Team Roster players information (including yourself!) - First Name, Last Name and at least one email - you can add to your roster later but it's easier to enter all or most of them now
  10. Remember that players are only permitted to play once they complete the steps below. If they play without doing so, your games may be treated as a default. 
  11. On the next page you have to complete the Payment Information - credit card is recommended, otherwise you are not considered a registered team until you are fully paid
  12. Hit "Submit Registration" 
  13. The system will then activate your team, which will initiate the email invites to go to your team roster
  14. If you need to add players later to the invite list, you can log in through the Registration site and do so - make sure to provide a valid email, followed by initiating an email to him.
  15. Remember that you need to have uniforms that meet CSMBA requirements at your first game - note that we sell numbered black & white reversible uniforms that meet these requirements for $35 each

PLAYER REGISTRATION INFORMATION (start once you get your Invite email from RAMP)

  1. The Player Invite email has a link to the Registration page
  2. After logging in, you are taken immediately to the Register to a Team page
  3. Choose yourself as a player
  4. Note that some items below do not apply if you already have your 2024-25 ABA membership
  5. For Choose Your Packages, select 2024-25 Membership IF you haven't already paid for this membership year through another organization or played in the Regular Season
  6. Review the Waivers and electronically sign in the box using your mouse or finger (if on a device)
  7. Click on the box where you indicate you are over the age of 18 (Age of Majority)
  8. The Uploads page is where you provide a Photo and Government Issued ID
  9. Confirm Details is the next page which is where you enter credit card information to pay for your membership (if not already paid)
  10. Click on Submit Registration
  11. You will then receive an email confirming you are accepted by the team and your BA membership registration is complete

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